Which American Accent Do You Actually Have?

How Would You Say The Word Crayon?

How Would You Say The Word Crayon?



What’s A Buggy?

What’s A Buggy?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Something you attach to a horse","correct":true},{"answer":"A shopping cart","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Something you attach to a horse","correct":true},{"answer":"A shopping cart","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Your Town Removes A Four-Way Stop And Puts In A…Circley Thing. What’s It Called?

Your Town Removes A Four-Way Stop And Puts In A…Circley Thing. What’s It Called?

{"answers":[{"answer":"A traffic circle","correct":true},{"answer":"A roundabout","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"A traffic circle","correct":true},{"answer":"A roundabout","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You Get A Drink Of Water At A Public Faucet. It’s Called A…

You Get A Drink Of Water At A Public Faucet. It’s Called A…

{"answers":[{"answer":"Water Fountain","correct":true},{"answer":"Drinking Fountain","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Water Fountain","correct":true},{"answer":"Drinking Fountain","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Do You Pronounce Syrup?

How Do You Pronounce Syrup?



What Do You Call The Shoes You Wear For General Sports And Physical Activities?

What Do You Call The Shoes You Wear For General Sports And Physical Activities?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sneakers","correct":true},{"answer":"Tennis Shoes","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sneakers","correct":true},{"answer":"Tennis Shoes","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You Drive Really Fast On One Of Those Big Public Roads. It’s Called A…

You Drive Really Fast On One Of Those Big Public Roads. It’s Called A…



How Do You Pronounce The Word Lawyer?

How Do You Pronounce The Word Lawyer?



It’s Raining And The Sun Is Shining. What Do You Say?

It’s Raining And The Sun Is Shining. What Do You Say?

{"answers":[{"answer":"“It’s a sunshower.”","correct":true},{"answer":"I say something else.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"“It’s a sunshower.”","correct":true},{"answer":"I say something else.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You’re At The River And You See A Small Crustacean. What Do You Call It?

You’re At The River And You See A Small Crustacean. What Do You Call It?



Do You Ever Call Coleslaw Slaw?

Do You Ever Call Coleslaw Slaw?

{"answers":[{"answer":"No, never","correct":true},{"answer":"Rarely","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"No, never","correct":true},{"answer":"Rarely","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Do You Use The Word Busted?

How Do You Use The Word Busted?

{"answers":[{"answer":"To describe something of poor quality","correct":true},{"answer":"To describe something that’s broken","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"To describe something of poor quality","correct":true},{"answer":"To describe something that’s broken","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Many Syllables Does Caramel Have?

How Many Syllables Does Caramel Have?



Are Merry, Marry, And Mary Pronounced The Same?

Are Merry, Marry, And Mary Pronounced The Same?



The Vowels In The Word Been Sound Most Like The Vowel In The Word…

The Vowels In The Word Been Sound Most Like The Vowel In The Word…



How Do You Usually Use The Word Mint?

How Do You Usually Use The Word Mint?

{"answers":[{"answer":"To describe something that’s in great condition","correct":true},{"answer":"To describe a taste, or to refer to the herb","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"To describe something that’s in great condition","correct":true},{"answer":"To describe a taste, or to refer to the herb","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What Do You Call Those Little Bugs That Light Up The Summer Sky?

What Do You Call Those Little Bugs That Light Up The Summer Sky?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fireflies","correct":true},{"answer":" Lightning Bugs","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fireflies","correct":true},{"answer":" Lightning Bugs","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You’re Eating Greens. What Does That Mean?

You’re Eating Greens. What Does That Mean?

{"answers":[{"answer":"I’m eating a salad.","correct":true},{"answer":"I’m eating collard greens or other cooked greens.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"I’m eating a salad.","correct":true},{"answer":"I’m eating collard greens or other cooked greens.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You Want A Sugary Carbonated Drink. You Want A…

You Want A Sugary Carbonated Drink. You Want A…

{"answers":[{"answer":"Soda Pop","correct":true},{"answer":"Coke","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Soda Pop","correct":true},{"answer":"Coke","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What Do You Call Your Male Friend?

What Do You Call Your Male Friend?



What Does Dank Mean?

What Does Dank Mean?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Awesome","correct":true},{"answer":"Musty or Smelly","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Awesome","correct":true},{"answer":"Musty or Smelly","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Do You Use The Term Faucet Or Spigot?

Do You Use The Term Faucet Or Spigot?



How Do You Pronounce Water?

How Do You Pronounce Water?



What’s This Called?

What’s This Called?

{"answers":[{"answer":"June Bug","correct":true},{"answer":"Beetle","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"June Bug","correct":true},{"answer":"Beetle","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What’s A Gig?

What’s A Gig?

{"answers":[{"answer":"A job","correct":true},{"answer":"A pole for spearing frogs","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"A job","correct":true},{"answer":"A pole for spearing frogs","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Do You Pronounce Pecan?

How Do You Pronounce Pecan?



What’s Another Word For Pants?

What’s Another Word For Pants?



How Do You Pronounce Oregon?

How Do You Pronounce Oregon?



You Want To Describe Something Ugly. You Might Say It’s…

You Want To Describe Something Ugly. You Might Say It’s…



How Do You Say Aunt?

How Do You Say Aunt?

{"answers":[{"answer":"So it rhymes with “daunt.”","correct":true},{"answer":"The same way you say “ant.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"So it rhymes with “daunt.”","correct":true},{"answer":"The same way you say “ant.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You’re Describing The Location Of Something And You Gesture Towards It. What Would You Say?

You’re Describing The Location Of Something And You Gesture Towards It. What Would You Say?

{"answers":[{"answer":"“Over there.”","correct":true},{"answer":"\"Over yonder.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"“Over there.”","correct":true},{"answer":"\"Over yonder.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What’s The City?

What’s The City?

{"answers":[{"answer":"New York","correct":true},{"answer":"Chicago","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"New York","correct":true},{"answer":"Chicago","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Do You Pronounce Roof?

How Do You Pronounce Roof?

{"answers":[{"answer":"It rhymes with “hoof.”","correct":true},{"answer":" It rhymes with “poof.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"It rhymes with “hoof.”","correct":true},{"answer":" It rhymes with “poof.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You Bump Into Someone. You Say…

You Bump Into Someone. You Say…

{"answers":[{"answer":"“Oops!”","correct":true},{"answer":"“Excuse me!”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"“Oops!”","correct":true},{"answer":"“Excuse me!”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

When You Say Cool, Do You Drop The L?

When You Say Cool, Do You Drop The L?

{"answers":[{"answer":"No, never","correct":true},{"answer":"Yes, sometimes","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"No, never","correct":true},{"answer":"Yes, sometimes","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Do You Pronounce New Orleans?

How Do You Pronounce New Orleans?

{"answers":[{"answer":"“New Or-leans”","correct":true},{"answer":"“New Or-lins”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"“New Or-leans”","correct":true},{"answer":"“New Or-lins”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Do You Say Mayonnaise?

How Do You Say Mayonnaise?



Which Syllable Do You Emphasize In Adult?

Which Syllable Do You Emphasize In Adult?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The first syllable","correct":true},{"answer":"The second syllable","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"The first syllable","correct":true},{"answer":"The second syllable","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How Many Syllables Does The Word Coyote Have?

How Many Syllables Does The Word Coyote Have?



How Many Syllables Are In Groceries?

How Many Syllables Are In Groceries?



Say Mirror And Mere. Did You Pronounce The Words Differently?

Say Mirror And Mere. Did You Pronounce The Words Differently?



What Do You Call A Cold Cut Sandwich?

What Do You Call A Cold Cut Sandwich?



What Do You Call A Group Of Friends?

What Do You Call A Group Of Friends?



How Do You Say The First Syllable In Bowie Knife?

How Do You Say The First Syllable In Bowie Knife?



What’s The Industry?

What’s The Industry?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The film industry","correct":true},{"answer":"That depends on what industry you’re","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"The film industry","correct":true},{"answer":"That depends on what industry you’re","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Which Of These Foods Might You See Regularly?

Which Of These Foods Might You See Regularly?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Bagels","correct":true},{"answer":"Puppy chow","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Bagels","correct":true},{"answer":"Puppy chow","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Sponsored question: Which bar is healthier?

Sponsored question: Which bar is healthier?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Neoh Bar","correct":true},{"answer":"Snickers Bar","correct":false},{"answer":"I don't care, next question","correct":false}],"answerText":" The neoh bar is the smart peoples candybar, it is way healthier than a snickers and still tastes great. Use code \"Won20off\" for 20% off on Amazon, Search for Neoh bar on Amazon. ","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Neoh Bar","correct":true},{"answer":"Snickers Bar","correct":false},{"answer":"I don't care, next question","correct":false}],"answerText":" The neoh bar is the smart peoples candybar, it is way healthier than a snickers and still tastes great. Use code \"Won20off\" for 20% off on Amazon, Search for Neoh bar on Amazon. ","answerImage":""}

How Do You Pronounce The Second Syllable In Pajamas?

How Do You Pronounce The Second Syllable In Pajamas?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Like the “a” in “jam.”","correct":true},{"answer":"Like the “a” in “father.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

{"answers":[{"answer":"Like the “a” in “jam.”","correct":true},{"answer":"Like the “a” in “father.”","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}