Uh-Oh Moments That (Probably) Ended In Disaster

1. Time To Call The Ubers

The small words "Uh-Oh" mean so much. They could symbolize a realization of some sort, a warning that something is coming, or the realization that something IS happening and there's no stopping it.

For us onlookers however, these situations end up being pretty hilarious-and get ready to laugh because we're going to take a look at some of these moments. These disastrous situations deserve some pretty hefty laughter.

2. Surf's Wayyyyy Up

Once beer begins flowing from the cup straight to your face, that's probably a good sign that it's time to call the Ubers and head home.

Boarding is a ton of fun until something like this happens.

3. Your Tweet is His Command

I just want to know what the guy behind the camera's face looked like as this was happening.

Careful what you tweet guys!

4. A Warning To You Snapchat Fiends

Someone's always watching.

5. Awkward....

This is what happens when you try and take a billion pics of your food instead of just eating it like a normal human being.

6. Surfing Dog

Looks like the kids really got to know their new stepdad today....

7. Medium Rare Chicken

Try surfing they said....it'll be fun they said.....

Has anyone heard from this girl since she posted this?

8. Oh.....Okay.....

She's probably not doing too hot....

9.It's Not What You Think!

*Calmly falls through ceiling.* Are we just going to ignore that plank of wood stabbing him in the chest or?

10. Sticky Situation

Guess someone is getting the "talk" AGAIN whether they like it or not.

In about three seconds this girl isn't going to be smiling anymore...