Top 7 Bad Foods That You Should Not Consume In The Morning

As we know, it is very important to have breakfast meal and what you consume in the morning is also important. A healthy breakfast can give you many health benefits such as weight control, good metabolism, improved performance, overall good health, and better concentration. Having an unhealthy breakfast is also similar to the way you are skipping breakfast. Therefore, have a menu for your breakfast properly and always remember to eat healthily. Here are the bad foods that you should not consume in the morning.

1. Bacon

Bacon is rich in saturated fat, so avoid eating this in the morning. Starting a day with bacon can increase the chance of cancer and heart disease due to its sodium, saturated fat, and nitrate & nitrite content. The American Heart Association says that consuming foods rich in saturated fat increases blood cholesterol levels, which may increase the chance of heart strokes & disease. According to the World Health Organization, a high intake of red meat may increase the chance of colorectal, prostate & pancreatic cancers. According to a study by the National Cancer Institute in 2005, there is a close association between the high consumption of processed meat & red meat and an increased chance of pancreatic cancer. Therefore, you should be sure to consume something nourishing and healthy for breakfast meals to keep you energetic during all day.

2. Doughnuts

Many people often eat doughnuts for their breakfast, but they are one of the bad foods when eating in the morning because they are loaded with sugar, trans-fat, and white flour. The high content of sugar will increase the blood sugar level and may result in weight gain. In a point of fact, people suffering from diabetes should keep away from this sugary food. Doughnuts contain white flour, a carbohydrate that has close to no fiber. As you know, fiber is important for digestive health and helps to reduce cholesterol and keep the blood sugar levels under control. Doughnuts bought at stores are made up of 35% to 40% trans-fat. According to a study in the BMJ in 2015, the consumption of trans-unsaturated fat is linked to increased chance of coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and ischemic stroke. Apart from doughnuts, you should avoid eating muffins and other pastries for your breakfast. Instead, you can drink one glass of plain milk to start a day.

3. Instant Noodles

Instant noodles for breakfast are considered an ideal option when you are often busy in the morning. Although this tasty dish is very simple to cook, it is not good for your health. Instant noodles contain two preservatives, t-butylhydroquinone and butylated hydroxyanisole, which can have side effects on the body and cause some health problems. According to a study published in the Drug Metabolism & Disposition in 2005, long-term exposure to t-butylhydroquinone may cause cancer. In addition, the wax present in instant noodles is difficult to digest and often takes at least three days to be removed from your system. The instant noodles also contain too much sodium and no calories. According to a study in The Journal of Nutrition in 2014, a high consumption of instant noodles can increase the chance of the cardiometabolic syndrome, particularly in women.

4. White Bread

White bread contains a high glycemic index because it is produced from refined grains that can be absorbed rapidly during digestion. This will sharply increase the insulin & blood sugar levels. High glycemic index foods are also linked to the chance of weight gain, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes. In addition, when eating white bread, you often feel hungry before eating lunch due to its low fiber content. White bread is also a low content of essential nutrients and can have a side effect on the health. Moreover, it also contains yeast that may make you feel bloated. You should replace white bread with another healthier alternative. When buying bread, choose bread made with whole grains, like whole oats, whole wheat, or whole rye. These types of bread may be more expensive than white one, but they are healthier for your health.

5. Pancakes

Pancakes contain white flour, sodium, butter, and sugar, thus they are an unhealthy choice for breakfast. Remember not to start your day with the sweet, calorie-rich food. Pancakes are also low in fiber, thus you will feel hungry more quickly. They aren't also loaded with protein that helps to keep you full. In addition, the syrup and sugar present in pancakes may increase the blood sugar levels and harmful triglyceride levels rapidly, which raise the chance of heart disease. Only the butter in pancakes isn't also good for your heart. It is a high content of saturated fat, and when consumed in excess may increase the cholesterol levels in your blood. However, you don’t need to give up eating these pancakes for breakfast. Just use healthy ingredients to make them. Use whole grains to make the batter and add grated, chopped, or mashed nuts, vegetables or fruits to enhance the taste and nutritional value.

6. Flavored Yogurt

Although yogurt is effectively used in the face mask for dry skin, you should avoid eat it in the morning. Flavored yogurt contains lots of added syrup & sugar and artificial colors & flavors, so it is also another bad choice for your breakfast. It is a low content of nutrients compared with plain yogurt. It is also low in protein, calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. In addition, the delicious flavors actually come from the pureed form that contains a high content of sugar, which offers instant energy without nutrition. The sugar also raises the intake of calories, thus making you increase some pounds. Instead of flavored yogurt, you can choose plain yogurt for your breakfast. Plain yogurt is rich in calcium, gut-healthy probiotics, and protein. You may also make your plain yogurt by adding chopped fruits & nuts, such as pomegranates, apples, berries, walnuts, and almonds.

7. Coffee

Many people often choose a cup of coffee in the morning to boost their mood as well as brain function. However, you should avoid adding coffee to your breakfast menu. According to a study published in the Physiology & Behavior in 1999, the caffeine in coffee increases pulse rate and blood pressure while breakfast cereal only has an effect on the pulse. In addition, adding sugar or non-dairy creamers to a cup of coffee may add excessive sugar or carbohydrates in the body. This is not good for heart health and can cause weight gain. Instead of coffee, you may opt for one cup of green tea that is really good for the whole health. Guest Post by Hang Pham Author Bio: This guest post is by Hang Pham, a beauty and health blogger with many years of experience on searching the effective remedies for skin & hair care and health problems.