QUIZ: Think You Can Pass This 1950s Home Economics Quiz? 

In the 1950s, Home Economics was a class that prepared women to be the perfect housewives. It taught them everything from cooking skills to maintaining the household, as well as things that would keep their husbands happy and how to take care of themselves. But things have changed since then and gender roles aren't what they used to be anymore, but the textbooks still exist.  So, if you were around in the fifties, do you think you could've aced this class, based on the textbook, Experiences in Homemaking? Would you have made the perfect stay-at-home wife or were you meant for something else? Find out in this quiz. 

Of the following ingredients, which would you sift?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Flour","correct":true},{"answer":"Parsley","correct":false},{"answer":"Grass","correct":false},{"answer":"Marshmallows","correct":false}],"answerText":" Sifting is a process, mostly done when baking, where the lumps from flour are removed.  ","answerImage":""}

After waking up, what's the very first thing you should do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Opening the window","correct":true},{"answer":"Eating breakfast","correct":false},{"answer":"Getting dressed","correct":false},{"answer":"Drinking water","correct":false}],"answerText":" Opening the window right after you wake up allows the room to be aired out after a night's sleep. ","answerImage":""}

What were clothespins used for in the 1950s?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Testing perfume","correct":false},{"answer":"Putting clothes for sale in public","correct":false},{"answer":"Holding clothes in place for ironing","correct":false},{"answer":"Hanging clothes out to dry","correct":true}],"answerText":" In many parts of the world, hanging clothes with clothespins is still practiced.  ","answerImage":""}

Mallets look like hammers, but what are they used for in the kitchen?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Breaking spoiled china","correct":false},{"answer":"Killing invading bugs","correct":false},{"answer":"Working as a cupholder","correct":false},{"answer":"Making meat tender","correct":true}],"answerText":" Mallets are used for tenderizing or making meat more tender. It softens the fibers, making the meat easier to eat and digest. ","answerImage":""}

In the 1950s, it was common to clean a toilet how often?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Once a year","correct":false},{"answer":"Once every six months","correct":false},{"answer":"Once every three months","correct":false},{"answer":"Once a day","correct":true}],"answerText":" According to the 1950s text, Experiences in Homemaking, toilets needed to be cleaned every single day.  ","answerImage":""}

If you mixed water, lemon juice and baking soda, what might you do with it?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Moisturize your hair with it","correct":false},{"answer":"Drink it to cure a headache","correct":false},{"answer":"Clean kitchen pots and pans","correct":false},{"answer":"Clean sweat stains","correct":true}],"answerText":" Doing laundry was quite the task back in the day- there were concoctions for just about every type of stain. It just so happened that water, cornstarch and lemon juice worked for sweat stains.  ","answerImage":""}

Which ingredient was often washed before using it?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Cheese","correct":false},{"answer":"Eggs","correct":true},{"answer":"Chocolate cake","correct":false},{"answer":"Bread","correct":false}],"answerText":" Eggs were often thought to have lots of bacteria on their shells. So it was understood that they should be washed so as not to get any of the germs into the food.  ","answerImage":""}

It was recommended that women wash their stockings how often?

{"answers":[{"answer":"On the days she saw the mailman","correct":false},{"answer":"After every wear","correct":true},{"answer":"Once a month","correct":false},{"answer":"Once in her lifetime","correct":false}],"answerText":" A woman's stockings, which were considered to be undergarments, should be washed after every wear.  ","answerImage":""}

When perming the hair, what does the textbook say NOT to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Be sure to have peace and quiet","correct":false},{"answer":"Curl the hair from the nape","correct":false},{"answer":"Do a test curl","correct":false},{"answer":"Wind the hair very tightly","correct":true}],"answerText":" Very tight curls were quite unruly and not very fashionable, so it was important to not wind the curls too tightly.  ","answerImage":""}

The top vacuum brand of the fifties was...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Eureka","correct":false},{"answer":"iRobot","correct":false},{"answer":"Hoover","correct":true},{"answer":"Bissell","correct":false}],"answerText":" In the 1950s, just about everyone wanted the Hoover 800 model; it was the hottest on the market. ","answerImage":""}

It was customary to stand behind your chair until who was ready to take their seat?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The landlord","correct":false},{"answer":"The mailman","correct":false},{"answer":"The birthday girl","correct":false},{"answer":"The hostess","correct":true}],"answerText":" Experiences in Homemaking deemed it \"good etiquette\" to wait for the hostess, before sitting down at the table.  ","answerImage":""}

What was the purpose of a food mill?

{"answers":[{"answer":"To store food","correct":false},{"answer":"To puree food","correct":true},{"answer":"To moisten food","correct":false},{"answer":"To grow food","correct":false}],"answerText":" Food mills were mostly used to puree foods like thicker sauces, potatoes and even soups. ","answerImage":""}

Women had tons to do around the house, including washing their hair. How often was it recommended that they do that?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Every day","correct":false},{"answer":"Once a week","correct":false},{"answer":"Twice a month","correct":true},{"answer":"Once a year","correct":false}],"answerText":" According to Experiences in Homemaking, women were supposed to wash their hair once every two weeks or twice a month. ","answerImage":""}

Cornstarch and what could remove carpet stains?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Water","correct":false},{"answer":"Oil","correct":false},{"answer":"Milk","correct":true},{"answer":"Banana pulp","correct":false}],"answerText":" A mixture of milk and cornstarch was considered to be the go-to remedy for carpet stains; that or paying the high price to have it fixed or replaced.  ","answerImage":""}

Which essential home appliance was not widely available quite yet, in the fifties?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Oven","correct":false},{"answer":"Microwave","correct":true},{"answer":"Toaster","correct":false},{"answer":"Kitchen sink","correct":false}],"answerText":" Before the microwave appeared in every household, things like frozen TV dinners had to be heated up in the oven. By the late sixties, most were using microwaves.  ","answerImage":""}

In homemaking, a trivet was used for...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Keeping hot plates off surfaces","correct":true},{"answer":"Holding stockings into shape","correct":false},{"answer":"Carry many coins to the store","correct":false},{"answer":"Washing dishes in record speed","correct":false}],"answerText":" There are coasters for icy drinks and there are trivets for hot plates. They both served functions in protecting surfaces.  ","answerImage":""}

In which Italian dessert would you use ladyfingers?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fruit tart","correct":false},{"answer":"Bananas foster","correct":false},{"answer":"Tiramisu","correct":true},{"answer":"Apple pie","correct":false}],"answerText":" In a tiramisu, the ladyfinger biscuits are soaked in alcohol before being layered into the dessert. ","answerImage":""}

Every coffee table had all of the following except...

{"answers":[{"answer":"A disco ball","correct":true},{"answer":"A fruit bowl","correct":false},{"answer":"A book","correct":false},{"answer":"A serving plate","correct":false}],"answerText":" The standard requirements for the perfect coffee table were a fruit bowl, book and serving plate; a disco ball was not required. ","answerImage":""}

Getting burned food out of a pot or pan involved...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Soaking it in alcohol","correct":false},{"answer":"Tediously scraping it out","correct":false},{"answer":"Letting the pot/pan sit out in the light of a full moon","correct":false},{"answer":"Placing it on the stove and letting soapy water simmer in it","correct":true}],"answerText":" Removing burnt-on foods was quite simple. All one needed to do was to fill the pot/pan with water and some soap and allow it to simmer on the stove for a few minutes.  ","answerImage":""}

A combination of water and cornstarch made which of the following?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Herbal tea","correct":false},{"answer":"Hair gel","correct":false},{"answer":"Toilet cleaner","correct":false},{"answer":"Spray starch","correct":true}],"answerText":" Making spray starch at home was very common. All you had to do was combine two cups of water with a tablespoon of cornstarch.  ","answerImage":""}

How did the home-economics textbook say bread and butter should be eaten?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Ask the waiter to do it for you","correct":false},{"answer":"Take a piece of bread, butter it, then eat it","correct":true},{"answer":"Swallow as much of the roll as possible","correct":false},{"answer":"Give everyone around the table a piece of your bread before you butter it","correct":false}],"answerText":" Eating your bread was and still is quite the process. You should tear off one piece, butter it, then eat it. Once you're done, repeat the process.  ","answerImage":""}

When frying meat in a pan, how many times should it be flipped over?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Never","correct":false},{"answer":"Once","correct":true},{"answer":"Three times","correct":false},{"answer":"Until it falls apart","correct":false}],"answerText":" Frying meat is not as easy as it looks since chunks can break off. To avoid this issue, it should only be flipped once.  ","answerImage":""}

Which fruit was the star of the show in a classic upside-down cake?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Cherry","correct":false},{"answer":"Pineapple","correct":true},{"answer":"Apple","correct":false},{"answer":"Prunes","correct":false}],"answerText":" In a pineapple upside-down cake, the fruit was baked at the bottom, then flipped when it was done, thus inspiring the name, the pineapple upside-down cake. ","answerImage":""}

Which of these is not an ingredient in a key lime pie?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Raisins","correct":true},{"answer":"Limes","correct":false},{"answer":"Cream","correct":false},{"answer":"Yolks","correct":false}],"answerText":" Raisins are definitely not on the list of ingredients when it comes to making a key lime pie. You might, however, find them in a carrot cake.  ","answerImage":""}

Delicate cakes should only be sliced with what kind of tool?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sifter","correct":false},{"answer":"Steak knife","correct":false},{"answer":"Butter knife","correct":false},{"answer":"Cake breaker","correct":true}],"answerText":" A cake breaker is a delicate instrument that looks like a comb. It was made specifically to not damage softer cakes.  ","answerImage":""}

Which popular dessert would have a lattice?

{"answers":[{"answer":"A cookie","correct":false},{"answer":"An ice cream","correct":false},{"answer":"A pie","correct":true},{"answer":"A flan","correct":false}],"answerText":" A pie can have different types of crusts and one of them is the lattice crust.  ","answerImage":""}

How often should the kitchen sink be washed?

{"answers":[{"answer":"On spaghetti night","correct":false},{"answer":"Once a week","correct":false},{"answer":"Once a year","correct":false},{"answer":"Every time the dishes were washed","correct":true}],"answerText":" The kitchen was known for being a place germs liked to be in, so it was required that the sink be washed every time dishes were done.  ","answerImage":""}

Meals should be served with which hand and drinks with which?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Meals with the left, drinks with the right","correct":false},{"answer":"Meals with the right, drinks with the left","correct":true},{"answer":"Serve both with the right","correct":false},{"answer":"Serve both with the left","correct":false}],"answerText":" The rules, as mentioned in the textbook, were that beverages were to be served with the left hand and food with the right.  ","answerImage":""}

Which room was thought to hold the most germs in the household?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The bathroom","correct":false},{"answer":"The kitchen","correct":true},{"answer":"The attic","correct":false},{"answer":"The patio","correct":false}],"answerText":" Back in the fifties, the kitchen was the room with the most germs (and it still is to this day). It's why the sink needed to be cleaned every time the dishes were done. ","answerImage":""}

Experiences in Homemaking stated that a mother's work in the home was known as what?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Cleaning coffee stains","correct":false},{"answer":"Her contribution","correct":false},{"answer":"Labor income","correct":true},{"answer":"A talent","correct":false}],"answerText":" Because many women did not work in the fifties, their work in the home was seen as labor income, which was often thought to be equal to the money a husband would bring home. ","answerImage":""}

What was a wife supposed to do when her husband came home from a long day at work?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Tell him that the dishes need to be done","correct":false},{"answer":"Ask him to give her a massage","correct":false},{"answer":"Tell him about all the bills he has to pay","correct":false},{"answer":"Fix his favorite drink","correct":true}],"answerText":" Home economics was all about preparing women how to be \"the perfect housewife.\" So it was expected that if a man had a particularly hard day at work, his wife should not greet him with worries or concerns, but instead, his favorite drink.  ","answerImage":""}

What was widely believed about women in the 1950s?

{"answers":[{"answer":"They were just as physically strong as males","correct":false},{"answer":"They should be able to fight in the war","correct":false},{"answer":"They made more money than men","correct":false},{"answer":"They could taste better than men","correct":true}],"answerText":" Men and women of the fifties all agreed that women's taste buds were better developed and therefore, could taste the flavors of food better than men. ","answerImage":""}

How is it advised that copper's brightness be restored? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"With salt and ketchup","correct":true},{"answer":"By soaking it with regular cutlery","correct":false},{"answer":"With butter","correct":false},{"answer":"It can't be restored- it needs to be tossed","correct":false}],"answerText":" A popular fifties method for restoring the brightness of copper was to combine salt and ketchup. This method caused ketchup sales to rise during the decade.  ","answerImage":""}

How were wrinkles avoided?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Washing their hair","correct":false},{"answer":"Elevating their legs","correct":true},{"answer":"Eating raw eggs","correct":false},{"answer":"Drinking water laced with sugar","correct":false}],"answerText":" There have been many theories about keeping wrinkles at bay over the years. In the fifties, it was widely believed that laying with your legs up in the air would do that. ","answerImage":""}

It was not uncommon to find which staple kept in a box in the kitchen?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Key lime pie","correct":false},{"answer":"Bread","correct":true},{"answer":"Vodka","correct":false},{"answer":"Spaghetti","correct":false}],"answerText":" Bread was kept in a box to maintain its freshness, to keep bugs out and prevent moisture from getting in.  ","answerImage":""}

If you're throwing a dinner party, how many days before the event should the invitations be sent out?

{"answers":[{"answer":"One year","correct":false},{"answer":"Three months","correct":false},{"answer":"Ten days","correct":true},{"answer":"A few hours","correct":false}],"answerText":" Emails did not exist in the fifties, so invitations had to be sent out by mail. It took about ten days for invitations to arrive on time. ","answerImage":""}

Creaming vegetables was a popular cooking method in the fifties. Which vegetable was not creamed?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Corn","correct":false},{"answer":"Spinach","correct":false},{"answer":"Beans","correct":false},{"answer":"All of the above","correct":true}],"answerText":" To cream vegetables, all you need is milk, flour, butter, cream cheese, seasoning and of course, the vegetable/s of your choice.  ","answerImage":""}

If you were dredging food, what were you doing?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Baking a cake","correct":false},{"answer":"Covering meat with flour","correct":true},{"answer":"Scrambling eggs","correct":false},{"answer":"Lighting the food on fire","correct":false}],"answerText":" Dredging meat involved covering it in flour in preparation for cooking; most often, frying.  ","answerImage":""}

The text advised that clothing be ironed in order of...

{"answers":[{"answer":"The lowest to the highest temperature","correct":true},{"answer":"The highest to the lowest temperature","correct":false},{"answer":"Kids to adult clothing","correct":false},{"answer":"Whatever you feel like","correct":false}],"answerText":" To prevent burning clothing by constantly switching temperatures, the text advised the clothes which required the lowest heat should be ironed first and go up from there.  ","answerImage":""}

According to the text, which of the following is not a kind of table service?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Russian","correct":false},{"answer":"English","correct":false},{"answer":"Compromise","correct":false},{"answer":"Super","correct":true}],"answerText":" Unfortunately, super is not a kind of table service. All the others vary by the way the food is shared at the table. ","answerImage":""}

Which product was recommended for waxing linoleum floors?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Bleach","correct":false},{"answer":"Water","correct":false},{"answer":"Polishing wax","correct":true},{"answer":"Honey","correct":false}],"answerText":" Linoleum floors were all the rage, and so was keeping them clean. The text advised that people used a self-polishing wax to make them shine.  ","answerImage":""}

Which of the following devices was used to make coffee back in the fifties?

{"answers":[{"answer":"A mallet","correct":false},{"answer":"A percolator","correct":true},{"answer":"A Keurig","correct":false},{"answer":"An espresso machine","correct":false}],"answerText":" Percolators were widely used in the fifties. A decade later, they would become outdated when the drip coffee makers were introduced.  ","answerImage":""}

Which dish could you flambe?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Bananas foster","correct":true},{"answer":"Mashed potatoes","correct":false},{"answer":"Pancakes","correct":false},{"answer":"Lemon juice","correct":false}],"answerText":" Flambeing food is a pretty showy process by which alcohol is cooked off with flames. Sometimes it adds flavor to the dish, other times, it's just for entertainment. ","answerImage":""}

Cooking meat depended on which of the following things?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The age of the meat","correct":false},{"answer":"How expensive the meat is","correct":false},{"answer":"The country it came from","correct":false},{"answer":"Its weight","correct":true}],"answerText":" In addition to the weight of the meat, the cooking time was also determined by the type of meat being prepared.  ","answerImage":""}

One would use a rolling pin to make which food?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Crepes","correct":false},{"answer":"Lasagna","correct":false},{"answer":" Roast beef","correct":false},{"answer":"Cookies","correct":true}],"answerText":" The purpose of a rolling pin is to flatten the dough in preparation for baking, whether it be cookies or pizza crust.  ","answerImage":""}

What would you find flowing out of a molten lava cake?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Lava","correct":true},{"answer":"Eggs","correct":false},{"answer":"Chocolate batter","correct":false},{"answer":"Ice cream","correct":false}],"answerText":" A molten lava cake goes by many different names. The lava in the center is actually cake batter that hasn't cooked all the way.  ","answerImage":""}

It was pretty common for women to sleep with what item in their hair...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Mayonnaise","correct":false},{"answer":"Foil paper","correct":false},{"answer":"Hair rollers","correct":true},{"answer":"Gin","correct":false}],"answerText":" Women in the fifties had to ensure that they looked good since appearances were very important. So it was almost an unspoken rule that the hair should be curled very often. ","answerImage":""}

The textbook said that pillows should be washed every...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Day","correct":false},{"answer":"Week","correct":false},{"answer":"Three months","correct":true},{"answer":"Year","correct":false}],"answerText":" To prevent pillows from being damaged too quickly, while maintaining some sense of cleanliness, the textbook recommended that they are washed once every three months.  ","answerImage":""}

How should the utensils be used at a formal dinner?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Start on the outside and work your way in","correct":true},{"answer":"Put all your food into the pots and pans provided","correct":false},{"answer":"Do whatever you want","correct":false},{"answer":"Fake it till you make it","correct":false}],"answerText":" The usual rule of thumb is that you should start with the utensils furthest from you, on either side and work your way in.  ","answerImage":""}

It was considered fashionable to serve soup in which room of the house?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The bathroom","correct":false},{"answer":"The kitchen","correct":false},{"answer":"The master bedroom","correct":false},{"answer":"The parlor","correct":true}],"answerText":" Serving soup in the parlor served two functions: it was very fashionable and it saved time by not having to change any tableware.  ","answerImage":""}

To prevent getting makeup stains when putting on clothing, women should...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Cover their faces with a handkerchief","correct":true},{"answer":"Ask their husbands to help them get dressed","correct":false},{"answer":"Put their clothing on then worry about the stains after","correct":false},{"answer":"Set their makeup with hairspray so it won't transfer","correct":false}],"answerText":" A lot has changed since the fifties but worrying about makeup stains hasn't. Women back in the day would use handkerchiefs to prevent makeup from getting on their clothes.  ","answerImage":""}

What was a woman NOT supposed to do to prepare for her husband's arrival after work?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sew him a brand new sweater","correct":true},{"answer":"Have dinner ready","correct":false},{"answer":"Prepare the children","correct":false},{"answer":"Decrease the noise level","correct":false}],"answerText":" A new sweater wasn't exactly a priority for a man coming home from work. He would much rather the other options, and save the sweater for winter.  ","answerImage":""}

How was it advised that a woman hide her tiredness?

{"answers":[{"answer":"She should dip her entire head in ice","correct":false},{"answer":"She should use a darker foundation","correct":true},{"answer":"She should go to sleep for 48 hours straight","correct":false},{"answer":"She should wear black to make her look happier","correct":false}],"answerText":" The book advises that a darker foundation should be used to hide tiredness.  ","answerImage":""}

What's the purpose of a pressure cooker?

{"answers":[{"answer":"To prevent food from burning","correct":false},{"answer":"To be fancy","correct":false},{"answer":"To save time and energy when cooking meat","correct":true},{"answer":"To sift food","correct":false}],"answerText":" Pressure cookers are handy tools in the kitchen, and while there are cons, using them makes the food taste better, it saves time and causes the food to retain more of its nutrients.  ","answerImage":""}

How would a woman keep her ankles looking trim?

{"answers":[{"answer":"By getting prescription medication","correct":false},{"answer":"By massaging them at night","correct":true},{"answer":"By wearing super tall shoes","correct":false},{"answer":"By concealing it with makeup","correct":false}],"answerText":" Massaging one's ankles at night was a pretty important step in a woman's nightly routine. It helped keep the swelling down. ","answerImage":""}

After eating, on which side of the chair should you rise from?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The left","correct":true},{"answer":"The right","correct":false},{"answer":"The front","correct":false},{"answer":"The back","correct":false}],"answerText":" Each person at the dinner table was advised to rise to from the left side of their chairs. It prevented accidents like bouncing into another person.  ","answerImage":""}

Which alcohol, for cooking, could be found in many kitchens in the fifties?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Vodka","correct":false},{"answer":"Tequila","correct":false},{"answer":"Sherry","correct":true},{"answer":"Mezcal","correct":false}],"answerText":" The Spanish wine that is sherry was used in all kinds of dishes, including everything from desserts to savory dishes.  ","answerImage":""}

What was considered the most important thing when sewing a button on?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Keeping the knots on the right side","correct":true},{"answer":"Making it look pretty","correct":false},{"answer":"Using colorful thread","correct":false},{"answer":"Using a curved needle","correct":false}],"answerText":" When sewing a button on, ensuring that the knots were on the right side determined how long it would last, especially when being washed.  ","answerImage":""}

What kind of food would you baste?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fruits","correct":false},{"answer":"Cocktails","correct":false},{"answer":"Turkey","correct":true},{"answer":"Potato chips","correct":false}],"answerText":" Basting is a type of cooking where the sauces or juices of the meat are used to help cook and further flavor the food. ","answerImage":""}

A dessert spoon was also used to eat which other food?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Spaghetti","correct":false},{"answer":"Vegetables","correct":false},{"answer":"Cereal","correct":true},{"answer":"Soup","correct":false}],"answerText":" It may sound like a lot of work or many bites, but cereal was eaten with a dessert or teaspoon back in the fifties. ","answerImage":""}