Out Of The Six Kinds Of Guys In This World, Which One Do You Attract? 

The world has over 7 billion people. That makes finding the perfect partner is no easy task. It means, there’s more likely you’ll end up with someone you’re not compatible with. However, if you’re in for the hunt, it’s better you start with yourself first. That said, you’re for a great start if you’re confident enough with yourself. That means you know what you really want. It’s the only way you attract the right person in your life. Why don’t we start there? Make sure to answer all the questions below: 

Where would you want your first date to be?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Outdoors","correct":true},{"answer":"Somewhere Fancy","correct":false},{"answer":"Do you want something exotic","correct":false},{"answer":"Somewhere thrilling","correct":false},{"answer":"Somewhere romantic","correct":false},{"answer":"Do something you love","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What do you consider as the biggest deal-breaker? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Doesn't take initiative","correct":true},{"answer":"Lazy","correct":false},{"answer":"Boring","correct":false},{"answer":"Don't know how to listen","correct":false},{"answer":"Workaholic","correct":false},{"answer":"Worrisome","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How do you want to spend your time in bed? 


What do you want your parents to say about him? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sharp","correct":true},{"answer":"Resourceful","correct":false},{"answer":"Kind","correct":false},{"answer":"Sweet","correct":false},{"answer":"Handsome","correct":false},{"answer":"Amusing ","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How long do you wait for him to take the first kiss? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"On the first date","correct":true},{"answer":"On the third date ","correct":false},{"answer":"After a week","correct":false},{"answer":"After a month","correct":false},{"answer":"After the first date","correct":false},{"answer":"Doesn't make the move","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How do you want him to express his love? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Give you undivided attention","correct":true},{"answer":"You want to hear it more often","correct":false},{"answer":"Grand romantic expression","correct":false},{"answer":"You want to be showered with gifts ","correct":false},{"answer":"He makes you feel special","correct":false},{"answer":"Physical Affection","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}