How To Calm A Panic Attack When You Are Alone

Knowing how to calm a panic attack is more useful than you may think. The scariest aspect of a panic attack is that it can occur at any time or place, and you might be unsure of how to handle it without totally losing it. The feeling of panic may overtake you suddenly or gradually. Even if you are by yourself and have no one nearby to help you calm down, you still need to learn how to survive a panic attack, regardless of how they affect you.

How Does a Panic Attack Feel?

Along with physical symptoms, panic attacks can affect the entire body and mind and cause thoughts of impending doom, dread, and extreme fear. They often strike suddenly, and it's possible that no one knows what causes them. A person experiencing a panic attack may feel as though they are about to pass away. Additionally, the experience of having a panic attack may increase a person's dread or worry of experiencing another one in the future.

Tips on how to handle a panic attack

Remember that this too shall pass

Even while it may seem frightening at the time, it can be helpful to keep in mind that these feelings will pass and do no bodily harm. Realize that this is a temporary phase of intense anxiety that will pass quickly. Panic attacks often peak in intensity within 10 minutes after initiation, after which the symptoms begin to fade.

Concentrate on breathing

Your pulse rate and breathing rate are major contributors to many anxiety attack symptoms. In reality, you might hyperventilate due to breathing problems. This will consequently make your anxiety attack worse. Keeping your attention on your breathing is one of the best things you can do to stop an anxiety attack. Inhale deeply, but hold your breath before you let it out. Hold it for approximately 5 seconds before releasing it gradually. Continue doing this until you can clearly feel your anxiety decreasing. When it comes to how to handle anxiety attacks, you should start with this.

Keep your eyes closed

Certain stimuli can overwhelm you and cause panic attacks. Your panic attack may intensify if you're in a busy setting with lots of stimuli. When experiencing a panic attack, close your eyes to block out the stimulus. This can help you block out unnecessary stimuli and focus more readily on your breathing.

Ground Yourself

A panic attack might feel extremely frightening at the moment. Perhaps you are even unsure if it is a heart attack or worry. But one crucial thing you can do is to stay grounded. Focus on the things that are real to you rather than how terrifying the attack is. Consider how your clothing feels against your skin, the smell of the surroundings, or the wall's texture. Choosing one thing and giving it your full concentration might be beneficial. This kind of mindfulness is a fantastic antidote for anxiety attacks.

Relax your muscles

You are probably tensing a number of muscles unconsciously while experiencing a panic episode. That is in fact one of the telltale indications of a panic attack. You should also focus on calming your muscles as part of the mindfulness exercises you're practicing to prevent anxiety attacks. Starting at the top of your body and moving slowly downward, imagine relaxing each set of muscles independently. It can be quite helpful in getting you through the attack if you take a moment to observe how tense your body is and then take the required actions to relax those stiff muscles.

The 5-4-3-2-1 method

One's sense of reality may get clouded by panic attacks. This is because anxiety can overwhelm other senses depending on its degree. The 5-4-3-2-1 approach is a form of mindfulness and a grounding technique. It assists in shifting the individual's attention from the causes of stress. To use this technique, the individual must take each of the following actions deliberately and thoroughly: Look at 5 separate objects. • Listen for 4 distinct sounds. • Touch 3 objects. • Identify 2 different smells. • Name 1 thing you can taste.

Think of your favorite place

A person's happy place should be wherever they feel most calm. Everybody has a different idea of the exact location. They will feel calm, secure, and at ease there. When an attack starts, close your eyes and visualize yourself in this location. Consider how tranquil it is there. People could also see their bare feet resting on cool ground, warm sand, or plush rugs.