14 Movie Mistakes We All Missed In 'The Notebook'

Mic error

If you haven't seen The Notebook yet, I honestly don't know what you're doing here. Stop reading and immediately go watch the movie (and then come back, we wouldn't want to spoil anything for you!). The Notebook is the perfect film for those who can't get enough romance in their life — and Ryan Gosling, of course.

Still, as perfect as the movie may seem, there were actually quite a few mistakes made throughout that we definitely didn't notice the first time we watched the movie. I'll be paying more attention the next time!

Source: diply

If you look closely, you can see Ryan Gosling's mic attached to the back of his shirt when he's hanging off of the Ferris wheel. Oops!

History error

Source: diply

Some of the rides seen at the carnival at the start of the movie weren't even invented in the '40s (when the movie takes place).

Brown contacts

Source: diply

Ryan Gosling wore brown contacts so they would match James Garner's eye color, but there is a scene where he isn't wearing the contacts and Noah's eyes are bright blue.

Geography error

Source: diply

You can see parking meters on the sidewalk when Noah and Allie are walking, but they actually weren't installed in South Carolina until a few years later.

Mirrror error

Source: diply

There is a scene where Allie and her mother are outside of Noah's home and you can clearly see the crew in the reflection of the car mirror.

Position error

Source: diply

When Noah and Allie are lying in the street, their positions switch from the center of the road to the right-hand lane and back to the center again.

Street lights error

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There was also a mistake when Noah tells Allie that he and his dad used to watch the light change from "green to red to yellow," but street lights actually change from green to yellow to red.

Missing earrings

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When Allie is trying on her wedding dress, her earrings change several times throughout the scene.

Missing necklace

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Similarly, her necklace appears and disappears in certain shots when she's fighting with her parents and Noah.

Hair miracle

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When Noah and Allie are in the rowboat, Allie's hair is pinned back and perfectly in place. The moment the sky gets darker (before the rain), her hair is suddenly messy and out of place.

Mysterios rain

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The rain eventually drenches Allie's hair and causes her makeup to run, but as soon as she's back inside with Noah, her makeup has cleared up and her hair is instantly dry.

Hair color change

Source: diply

When we see Lon waiting for Allie outside of his car, his hair color changes from brown to black in different shots.

Time error

Source: diply

During the movie, Noah and Allie are listening to "I'll Be Seeing You" by Billie Holiday, but that version came out in 1944, four years before that scene was supposed to take place.

Mouth rror

Source: diply

When Noah and Allie sneak into the plantation house, you hear Allie say, "This place is gigantic," but her mouth doesn't move until a few seconds after.

Mimic error

Source: diply

This also happens when Allie is on the Ferris wheel and she shouts, "Get off me!" Her mouth is open, but her lips don't actually move.

Wide-screen error

Source: diply

The movie that Allie and Noah are watching is in wide-screen format, even though that wasn't available until the '50s.

Shawl suddenly disappears

Source: diply

When Allie and Duke sit down for dinner, her shawl suddenly disappears without showing her actually taking it off.

Source: diply